Wang Yutong interview
Xu Cong interview
Zhou Yan interview

Zhao Mengmeng
What were your first impressions of the university?
Well… it took some time getting used to. You know, I had never been away from home before. I was in a strange place where they didn’t speak my language. I hadn’t slept for almost 24 hours… I was tired and hungry. But people seemed to be really nice and friendly, and a Chinese café was a two-minute walk from the dorm. Upon arrival, you are expected to get through some procedures, such as registration, medical check etc. Everyone here at SUSU was very helpful. The most important thing for me was to get a local sim-card to call my family and let them know that I was ok. They have a guy in the International Office who is in charge of that. It is an easy place to strike up conversations, because people at SUSU are so open and mostly they can speak English. I heard that the Russians are not that law-abiding but it is absolutely safe here. SUSU was recommended to me by my teachers from North China Electric Power University. I was pretty sure that there would be little in Chelyabinsk worth looking at. But Chelyabinsk proved to be rather appealing, it has a couple of amazing museums, lots of terrific bars, several parks, a couple of Chinese cafés and pizza-catering service almost everywhere.
What are the advantages of training at SUSU?
Labs, I believe. They provide you with the opportunity to operate ABB, Grundfos and Siemens equipment. The Emerson Automation and Control lab is very impressive because it is the simulation of the real-life industrial processes. They also have Samsung IoT Center. It is also about staff and teaching methods. The professors are well qualified, mostly with experience in both academia and industry. I enjoy the outside activities as well. We visited the local Opera Theater with our professor of Russian studies, and enjoyed the fantastic Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky… I am very happy to participate in KATALIZA – special trips to the mountains organized for international students to try some snowboarding or skiing. I fell in love with Sunny Valley (local ski resort) in an instant.
Do you think that SUSU experience can help you build your career?
Yes, sure. First of all, it is an international experience, which is the way to enhance your CV. You show that you have had the opportunity to broaden your horizons, and that you were brave enough to use this opportunity. It shows that you are flexible and is capable of getting used to the new environment. At the end of the day, it makes you more competitive when it comes to job search. Second, you gain new skills. Then, it is about connections and new friends here in Russia. It is a good chance to improve your English because nobody speaks Chinese here. Finally, the professors help you with your research and they help you publish papers in good journals. I believe, all this can help you professionally.

Lu Pengrui
What were your first impressions of the university?
– SUSU was recommended to me by NCEPU. It is my first university. Actually, before the trip, I tried to search for information, and found out that SUSU offers a world class energy education. I enjoy the friendly atmosphere. At first, I was worried about whether I could get settled properly, but university staff and students helped me every single moment. People do care about me and I really appreciate that.
What is your view on the advantages of training?
– SUSU is one of Russian universities with rich history and considerable experience. The university preserves strong scholarly traditions, which is really an attractive point. Engineering students enjoy the opportunity to gain practical skills. SUSU has an amazing buddy program: we are assisted by both Russian and senior international students, who have already gone through the adaptation process in a foreign country and are ready to share their experiences with the next generation. It is a pleasure to study in such a friendly atmosphere.
How can SUSU help you set yourself up for a great job when you graduate?
– I do hope that study at SUSU will be a great experience for me. The university provides good opportunities for internships; students of the Power Engineering programs learn about large modern companies in the industry.

Wang Lei
What were your first impressions of the university?
– The first thing I saw on arrival was the main building of SUSU; for me it was the most impressive part. I enjoy my classes here although they do take most of the time. Apart from that, SUSU international students frequently enjoy city sightseeing tours; excursions and various events organized for us. That’s the way to learn more about the life of Russians. It is exciting – to get a sense of a different culture, to learn something new.
What is your view on the advantages of training?
– From my point of view, one of the main advantages of SUSU is its well-developed infrastructure. The university has a large library; Wi-Fi is available everywhere. There are many sport clubs students can join. In my spare time, I play five-a-side football and go swimming. After training, I usually like hanging out with my friends in the park, which is just a walking distance away. At SUSU, my life is really exciting, full of interesting things. International students participate in various cultural and social events, and in sport activities: the University birthday, New Year parties (every year it is 5-7 New Year parties), national holidays, football competitions.
How can study SUSU help you set yourself up for a great job when you graduate?
–The university provides top-quality education. SUSU staff are professionals and real experts who know how to do their job. There are modern laboratories with necessary equipment, and it is here that we can carry out various experiments and make calculations.

Li Zhuang
What were your first impressions of the university?
I felt something akin to culture shock. The architecture was amazing, the main building literally rook my breath away…the spire, the metal statues on the roof, spacious rooms… We arrived at 11 a.m., and I spent much of the afternoon walking around. I was impressed by the number of local restaurants (including a Chinese restaurant) nearby. We had to register, to get through medical examination, to buy new cell sim-cards, to find a bank etc. They really provided much assistance at SUSU International Office. Actually, there was a person expected to take care of the administrative stuff.
What are the advantages of training at SUSU?
I love the way the curriculum has been designed. First of all, the program helps you acquire new skills, identify your specific academic interest and explore it. One more thing I like about the curriculum is that it is designed to alternate lectures and practical classes. Then, when you are in a new place, it takes time to get settled. To make the experience meaningful and action-oriented, you need to learn a new language (or, at least, to pick up a few useful words) and to immerse yourself in a new culture. Again, it takes time. Our curriculum allows time for everything: you have time to take up some hobby, to mix up and hang out with Russian students, to join some local activity (like SUSU sport festivals) and … to get that sense of belonging you’ve been craving all along the way. Now and then, our professors show us around the city. I have visited the Natural History Museum of the Southern Urals twice; also, I am very fond of Glinka Opera Theater. I know I will cherish this time. The study experience is valuable: professors explain everything in detail and help get to the core, it feels like they do care and are passionate about their work. The number of students per class is relatively small, so training is comfortable enough. Teachers make every effort to approach each student individually. They do not just take you for granted.
Do you think that SUSU experience can help you build your career?
Study time is the time you make many important life choices which can influence your career in the future. It is the time when you are free and optimistic, full of plans. I want to be a part of research and development world, so I need some study abroad experience. What I love about the experience here is that although people may not be able to roll out the red carpet to help me through every single problem I might face, they are still here for me. There are many things I have already learnt about myself and about other people. For example, independence, passion, flexibility or open-mindedness. I guess, there are many things I have yet to learn.

Lu Juechan
What were your first impressions of the university?
– The university campus was a pleasant surprise – a real one! The college is located in the city center, so there are many interesting and beautiful places nearby.
What is your view on the advantages of training?
– SUSU offers smart buddy program with support system for international students. Here we have the Center for Socio-cultural Adaptation and the Association of International Students, and you feel free to contact them any time. I have made new friends here at SUSU who want to have fun and learn things together.
How can study SUSU help you set yourself up for a great job when you graduate?
– SUSU is one of the major Russian universities in the field of energy studies. It provides everything you need to do research: well-equipped lab facilities, modern equipment, professional instructors, high level of training. It makes me more confident about my future.

Yang Long
What were your first impressions of the university?
The first thing I was impressed by at SUSU was the main building of the university and the area around it – a spacious park with lots of trees just inches away. Well… there were crowds of students from different countries here. This was the first time I’d encountered so many! Right here I started conversing not only with students from Russia, but also from other countries; we share our impressions, ideas, and back each other up. It helps us learn and really brings us together.
What is your view on the advantages of training?
At SUSU, you can find whatever you need for your classes: advanced equipment, state-of –the-art research labs. Teachers and instructors are experienced and a sort of empathetic: they help you deal with learning and support at all stages of training. There are many places to relax on campus; you can try recreational sports clubs or an art club.
How can study at SUSU help you set yourself up for a great job when you graduate?
The Chelyabinsk region is an industrial area with lots of plants and factories related to power engineering; it interests me a great deal. I just want to gain knowledge and firsthand experience in the field, probably to clarify my goals, and then I will start job search as soon as I am back to China.

Zang Gaosheng
What were your first impressions of the university?
My first impressions about Chelyabinsk are mostly about people. I expected Chelyabinsk to be a heavy industrialized powerhouse, all about steel, metal and hard folk. But when I arrived I was impressed by the friendliness of the people, who were really welcoming and nice. All of them seemed to be ready to give you a hand. I had to get used to the format of lectures. In China we rarely talk, we mostly write up lecture notes, but here it is more like a discussion. Our tutors are very supportive. Apart from class tutorials, they help us solve our everyday problems to make us feel included and welcome. SUSU can be proud of its diversity, nice community atmosphere and support system. Everybody is very helpful. There are a lot of international students. Should you need any assistance they are here to give you their recommendations on what to do and where to go. I got involved with some societies, and it is a good opportunity to discuss your experience with other students and to make new friends.
What are the advantages of training at SUSU?
In my opinion, a great advantage of SUSU is that students are invited to attend lectures or trainings delivered by guest experts who have already built up an enviable reputation in the business environment. We have been given a chance to learn from Pino Tese, Executive Vice-President of SMS Siemag AG, Germany; Dr. Jaewan Kim – professor of quantum informatics from KAIST and other experts. Another great thing about SUSU teaching traditions is that there are a lot of project assignments which presuppose team-work, and this is how you learn to work in a multicultural environment… I mean, you learn how to work with people with different cultural backgrounds, to ascertain the most effective solution; you learn to share workload, to listen to other people and to be more flexible. The projects build on the existing expertise of staff at SUSU, and they depend on the availability of equipment for their implementation. It is also one of the existing strengths of SUSU – the university provides you with real-life industrial equipment from the leading manufactures and the latest technologies used in the field. You stay constantly updated about the current developments in power engineering. I mean… it is not only theory. When you are searching for a position in industries, you already know how it works; you know how to operate the equipment, or how to design systems or how to predict system failure.
Do you think that SUSU experience can help you build your career?
I hope so. For the reasons I have mentioned above. I hope to develop personal and professional skills needed to become a valuable asset for my prospective employer. I hope I will be able to come up with new solutions in the field. It is also a chance to improve my English and to earn a double degree.

What were your first impressions of the university?
The first thing that struck me was the size of the university. The Russians seem to have been living up to the stereotypes for at least 75 years. The main building is huge and monumental. I also love the greenery of the campus. There are many study areas around the campus, and the labs are always open if you need extra practice. SUSU has also much to offer in terms of leisure, because there are so many places to eat and socialize with friends. There are so many sport clubs and students societies. After class (or between classes) I can go to the library, read a book or drink a cup of coffee in a local cafe, ride a bicycle, go to the swimming pool or just hang out with my friends in the park. It’s important that everything is just a walking distance away, and the campus is very close to the city center.
What are the advantages of training at SUSU?
The organization, the infrastructure and the sense of community. There are so many international students at SUSU, and when they arrive, they know nothing about what’s going on around. Yet, you never feel lonely. I love the buddy system. Our tutors are the students who have already come through the same experiences and they can share their everyday life hacks. You always know where to go and what to do. The student support offices are also very helpful – you may always contact them whatever problem you are trying solve – from migration issues to your academic performance.
Do you think that SUSU experience can help you build your career?
I love my time here. I have high hopes that I will gain in-depth knowledge in the area and will be well versed in the processes connected with energy generation, distribution and use, which hopefully means that I will be able to tailor down the power engineering experience to my personal interests. I will identify the area I am particularly interested in. Chelyabinsk is a new life, new people, a new language environment. To make the most of my experience here I have to overcome culture shock and to adjust. I have to take advantage of every opportunity provided by the university. I have to understand people, to respect their rules and regulations, to, at least, partially get the sense of their language, to try new things. SUSU experience will make me grow as an individual. The experience is likely to help me increase my confidence, self-motivation and develop life-in-a-new-environment skills, which will definitely help me build my career.